Sunday, April 12, 2009

A quiet Easter morning in the Colorado snow.....

Happy Easter everyone! This morning we woke up to a gently falling snow. No. Wind. What a relief! Well, except that it's supposed to be Easter, and honestly, how can you have an Easter egg hunt in the snow? But that's ok, Bekka is having the Easter egg hunt at her house with the grandkids. We're just snuggled down in the house waiting out the snow!

On another note, here's the kitties. They are three weeks old now, and their eyes are open! They are so cute!

Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy your blessings.


Mrs. S said...

Sure, now I get to hear the girls beg for one of Rosie's dogs and one of your kittens. Thanks Susie!!

Rachel said...

The kitties are so CUTE!!! I see some calico's.